Oru Burus from Oru Burus Team on Vimeo.

Once upon a time, there was a little king who lost control of the sun...

A Supinfocom graduation movie co-directed by Anton Brand, Guillaume Klein, Charlotte Quillet and Raphaël Théolade.

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Showreel 2013

Description :
Texturing cartoon on RabbidsLand Wiiu at Ubisoft Montreuil
CG artist advertising Nike at Supinfocom
Digital Art works for Caperino&Peperone "Art Of Sleeping" directing by Kuntzel+Deygas in Paris
Animation 3D, FX, compositing on Dyptique La Belle & La Bête of Kunztel+Deygas in Paris
Design, modeling, texturing and animation for advertising Moynat, directing by Mary Clerté at Partizan Paris
Personnal student short movie directing at Supinfocom
Co-directing on Oru Burus, texturing, modeling, story board, matte painting at Supinfocom

Oru Burus (extrait)

Extrait du film d’animation réalisé par Anton BRAND, Guillaume KLEIN, Charlotte QUILLET, Raphaël THEOLADE.

Un petit roi tyrannique livre une guerre contre un Soleil récalcitrant.

Once upon a time there was a little king who lost control of the sun.